Forestask (Florestarefa) is a student-friendly Progressive Web Application (PWA) that doubles as a Learning Management System (LMS) for school staff.
Forestask (Florestarefa) is a student-friendly Progressive Web Application (PWA) that doubles as a Learning Management System (LMS) for school staff.
SPA React App for a High-end condominum developer in SC, Brazil.
This is the repository for my personal Website, containing my curriculum, portfolio and blog.
Hey World is a user-friendly social network web app developed using MERN stack and GraphQL.
This is a React GitHub Finder app that allows you to search for GitHub users and view their profiles.
Old portfolio website.
Simple feedback app using React and json-server.
A mock project managment app.
Quick API for an English School with ORMs/Sequelize.
User-friendly interface for assigning correction quotas to tutors.
Landing page for the fictional Barbearia Alura website.
A small notebook for Modulea on StartSe's bootcamp.
Tutorial implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe using Create React App (CRA).
Textbook for the 5th Module on StartSe's bootcamp.
Mock React App for an Italian Restaurant.
Static Website for a fictional company.
Simple Event tracker app using Recoil and JSON Server.
Quick API for a Book Store with MongoDB and GraphQL.
My solutions for the AdventOfCode 2022 challenge.
Simple Express server with basic CRUD operations for managing user data.
Mobile first fictional landing page for an online course platform.
phived is a dead-simple, zero-distractions to-do list.
50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS.
App project to help tracking orders for a local beer store.
Part 1 of the TypeScript Course offered by Alura.
Repositório para os meus estudos durante o programa Desenvolve do grupo boticário na plataforma Alura.
contains my solution to the challenge from Boticário's Desenvolve Program.